Admit Your Faults And Do Not Be Arrogant

December 26, 2009

Be careful not to be from those who rectify others while corrupting their own souls. Such people go around in circles with their faults like a donkey going around a mill.

Hence, if you ever are in a position to advise others or be an example to them, such as a teacher with his students, a father or a mother with his or her children, then think as if you are under the watch of your customers. Everyone is monitoring you. Always discipline yourself as much as possible. The same applies to a couple dealing with each other. Teruskan pembacaan

Beware Of Chest Pain

December 9, 2009
*This article is just for medical students and practitioners.I’m sorry for the others,insya ALLAH next time I will post general information about health too.
  1. This is my first article corcerning medical information although I’m now second year medical student at Cairo University.This was not because I didn’t want to share anything about it but admitting my knowledge limit about medicine had stopped my intention to do that.However,after I read the article ‘Hinakah Bersama PERUBATAN?’ posted by akhi Hafiz Adam,it changes my mind.There’s some points in this article that I agree especially when he said that almost medical students’ blogs not contain any medical articles.Lots of them only posted articles about religion,criticism,story and many more.But,I also didn’t agree with some points stated by him.
  2. Therefore,I have taken decision from now to post anything about medical information every Tuesday,insya ALLAH.I choose to post them in English because most of these information are in English as well as to enhance my English improvement.At this time I will focus on the famous disease and problem in health among the people.I hope many of us will try to share or even write by ourselves about medicine particularly fourth year medical students and above after this.This week,I would like to share with you about Chest Pain. Teruskan pembacaan

Pengorbanan Bukan Sekadar Di Bibir

December 6, 2009
  1. Kita masih lagi berada di bulan Zulhijjah di mana difardhukan di dalamnya menunaikan haji di Makkah bagi mereka yang berkemampuan.Semasa musim ini saban tahun,kita sering kali dihidangkan dengan kisah pengorbanan Nabi Ibrahim a.s. dengan anaknya Nabi Ismail a.s yang telah termaktub dalam al-Quran surah as-Saffat.Ramailah daripada kita yang bercerita mengenai kisah ini dengan pelbagai olahan dan gaya penceritaan.Ada yang berbentuk serius dan ada juga yang santai.Namun,malangnya kita dapati ia tidak lebih sekadar di bibir sahaja.Ruh dan semangat pengorbanan sebenar tidak dapat dilihat dalam kehidupan kita seharian.Maka,jadilah kita seperti mayat yang tidak mempunyai ruh pengorbanan dan perjuangan;lesu dan layu di medan dunia.Hal ini sangatlah malang bagi kita kerana rata-rata daripada kita mengetahui sesuatu ilmu tetapi tidak mempunyai semangat untuk mengamalkannya.Ilmu itu jika tidak diiringi dengan semangat maka jadilah ia seperti bunga yang layu dan  semangat jika tidak dibekalkan dengan ilmu maka akan menjerumus kepada kesilapan dan kesesatan. Teruskan pembacaan